Coronavirus Information

Dear Parents/Guardians:

The purpose of this communication is to provide resources and information regarding the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), which has become an issue of concern in the medical community.  The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) have issued a number of informational pieces to the public, and the CDC believes the immediate risk of this new virus to the American public is low at this time.

What we know about the coronavirus disease is that it is a flu and respiratory illness that can spread from person to person.  Symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. 

The Indiana Area School District has implemented the following preventative measures:

  • Cleaning frequently touched surfaces (desks, doorknobs, and cafeteria tables).
  • Encouraging student handwashing or use of hand sanitizers.
  • Encouraging students to avoid sharing items such as drinks, unpackaged food, and eating utensils.

Our staff will remain vigilant in helping to identify any student who appears to be exhibiting symptoms of this virus and send the student to the school nurse for evaluation.  The school nurse will contact you if a physician follow-up should be recommended.

If you feel your son/daughter is exhibiting any signs of the coronavirus disease, please keep your child home from school and immediately contact your physician.

For more information about the coronavirus and the steps to help prevent illness, please view the following page on the IASD website: